Ham Raffle
FREE Entry into
Our Christmas Ham Raffle!
Simply register to claim your chance to WIN!
Raffle Drawn on 7th December
Ham pick up on 12th Saturday & 14th Monday December 3pm to 7pm
Community First

What is ClubGRANTS?
Campsie RSL has been giving back to the community since its’s inception. Each year we provide funding to the ClubGRANTS program through both Category 1 & 2.
Category 1 funding is for projects and/or services that contribute to the welfare and broader social fabric of the local community, and are aimed at improving the living standards of low income and disadvantaged people.
Category 2 is for community development and support activities and projects. This expenditure can be allocated to the Club’s core activities such as sport, returned servicemen league/veteran welfare.
How do I Apply?
Email clubgrants@campsiersl.com.au with your funding request including what the funds will be used for and the amount of funding you are seeking.